10 Common Foot Problems and How to Manage Them

Your feet take a pounding every day. Help them go the distance by identifying and correcting issues ranging from corns and calluses to athlete’s foot and hammertoes. Take good care of your feet, and they’ll take good care of you. Indeed, the foot is an evolutionary marvel, capable of handling hundreds of tons of force — your weight in motion …

What Is Hammer Toe?

A hammer toe is a deformity that causes your toes to bend or curl downward instead of pointing forward. It most often affects the second or third toe, in some cases, all the toes. What causes a hammer toe? It usually develops over time due wearing ill-fitting shoes with no support, such as tight, pointed, or high heels. In most …

Fun Facts About Feet

Just because schools out it doesn’t mean the learning has to stop! At Perth Corrective Orthotics I think feet are amazing. After you read all these fun facts, I’m sure you’ll agree. The foot and ankle are a complex mechanical structure made up of 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The average person takes 8,000-10,000 …